babysitters1fan wrote in
May 20, 2010 16:17
Is there a book where the BSC or the school or something goes to a Pearl Harbor museum and Claudia feels guilty because she's Japanese? Or is this a fanfic? Sorry, I haven't read the series for about a year, and this has been bugging me.
questions: books
poire_gourmande wrote in
May 20, 2010 08:51
In which book does Mal starts to get called Spaz Girl? She's supposed to teach an English class to eight graders and she messes up and they start bullying her.
I thought it was in Don't Give Up, Mallory, but that's the one where her English teacher is favoring the boys.
questions: books
campbems wrote in
Jan 19, 2010 15:16
In What BSC book did Karen hide Emily in the attic because there was a problem with adoption papers and she was afraid they were going to send her back to Vietnam? Thanks!
questions: books
xbexuniquex wrote in
Jan 07, 2010 11:15
I've just finished rereading #59: Mallory Hates Boys (and Gym) and at the end of the book, Mal discovers that she's good at archery and joins the school team. Is this ever followed up? I don't remember it being mentioned in any other book, which is a pity as it would have been nice for Mallory to have a new character trait.
character: mallory pike,
books: regular series,
questions: books
sifukatara wrote in
Dec 29, 2009 04:25
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone knew in what BSLS book does Karen try to hide Emily Michelle and her father almost calls the police when he can't find her?
Thanks in advance!
questions: books
sifukatara wrote in
Dec 13, 2009 01:42
Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I was just wondering in what BSC book was it when Stacey baby-sat for Charlotte and there was a blackout. Also, in what book did Stacey take Kristy's cousins to the movies and they behaved like monsters? I'm just curious. I'm reading "Good bye Stacey, Good Bye" and it mentions those two events. Thanks!
questions: books
campbems wrote in
Dec 03, 2009 01:24
Is there a little sister book that talks about Charlie buying the Junk Bucket? Also, is there a chronological list of books with all of the books (BSC, super specials/mysteries, little sister, etc.) somewhere on the internet? Thanks!
internet: list,
questions: books
campbems wrote in
Oct 27, 2009 18:30
In Baby-sitters' Fright Night, Abby says something about the mystery they were solving when the Salem trip was mentioned. Was the Salem trip announced in one of the mystery books? Thanks!
questions: books
campbems wrote in
Oct 25, 2009 19:46
How many regular books had Halloween plots/subplots? The only ones I can come up with are Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls, Mary Anne and the Bad Luck Mystery, Kristy's Mystery Admirer, Dawn and the Halloween Mystery, and Baby-sitters' Fright Night. Are there any others? Thanks!
questions: books